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Section 1
Comparing Rational Numbers


Goal - Compare positive rational numbers presented in various forms.




All units will be assigned to your Manga High account, but here is the order and additional links.

1.1 - Use >, <, =


1.2 - Put whole numbers in order up to 1000


1.3 - Ordering Decimals


1.4 - Ordering Fractions

Holt, pg 120


1.5 - Convert decimals into fractions and percents, Decimals to Fractions, Fractions to Decimals, Decimals to percents

Holt, pg 124


1.6 - Order Fractions and Decimals

Holt, pg 128


When finished, give your checklist and notebook to Mr. Loch in exchange for your test.

Section 2
GCF, LCM, Equivalent Fractions


Goal - Determine GCF and LCM. Use to calculate with fractions & find equality.





All units will be assigned to your Manga High account, but here is the order and additional links.

Section 3
Multiply and Divide Decimals and Fractions


Goal - Multiply and divide decimals and fractions, using efficient and generalized porcedures, including standard algorithms.


All units will be assigned to your Manga High account, but here is the order and additional links.

Unit 1 - Positive Rational Numbers

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